Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Holidays Part 2: Disney

Hartz's best bud Bronson drove down for a weekend of fun at Disney. Blake and Beth also tagged along. Day 1 we went to the Magic Kingdom.

Minnie blew me a kiss

Cool Dad

Personalized Hatz

The girls got them matching shirts (again)

Day 2, Heather and I took Hartz to the Animal Kingdom. Hartz got to point at all the animals and get his picture taken with almost every single Disney character imaginable. He loved it.

Mom and Hartz rode the triceratops

Mickey is my homeboy

Donald's OK too

Too much to handle

The Holidays Part 1: Thanksgiving

We kicked off the holidays by spending Thanksgiving in beautiful Kansas City! Special thanks go out to the Walkers for hosting 15 people under one roof for four days. We got to head out to Lawrence for an evening where we met up with almost every single one of Heather's aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Warning: I am taking this Christmas vacation in Pensacola to catch up on blogging. Hope it doesn't make you sick of the Van Slyke family. Here we go...

I AM A LIAR. (added on Dec 29th)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

17 months

Update on the Hartz-man and life. 17 months of fun... a little late.

Halloween: Hartz told us he wanted to be Captain America (Chris says he really wanted to be Swamp Thing, but that was way too hard to make happen) .. we got to go to a super fun party at a friend's house in our Musikgarten class a few days before Halloween. On Halloween, we headed out to the McGraths and had yummy chili and tons of fun with all the babies trick or treating. 

Captain America!
Sam taking a snooze
Hat swap with Peyton
House for sale: We put our wonderful home on the market. We will see what happens! 

Smores: Hartz had his first bonfire and taste of the goodness of smores. Of course, the mosquitos LOVE him and attacked his forehead while we were outside.

Aunt Katie Visit: Aunt Katie came down to visit us while Uncle Robert went for a boys weekend. We had SO much fun. Play time with Hartz, wine with just us girls, yummy breakfast, and house hunting. Katie took some amazing pictures of Hartz while she was here. I am always so thankful for her capturing the beauty of my kid. 

Reading books

New "sweet" face, right?!


Loving watering plants!

Sweet Boy

Picking oranges with daddy
Daddy's Birthday: We went over to the Leavitts for some wings and other yummy food to celebrate Chris' birth. Our small group can always have a good time together. Was super low key.. girl talk, while boys watch football. Perfection :) 

Hartz Update

Hartz has been loving to dance! Runs to the stereo and says "dans" .. once the music starts he starts waving his arms and spinning. Pretty funny. Yo Gabba Gabba CD is the jam (thanks to the Pearsons!)

He is signing "more" for more or please. Just seemed to happen overnight. I had given up on signing, but I have to say it is way cute.

He has moved up to size 6 shoes.

He can say ouch, uh oh, dance, trash, meows for cat still, dog is "da"... he is really trying hard to repeat what we say. I can feel the non-stop toddler talking approaching.

Tooth #12 is popping out. On bottom front right.

We moved to ONE nap! Ah. He stayed awake a few days through his afternoon nap and was CRANKY by 5pm. Wise friends told me it was the time to push him to one nap. So, we play and stay awake until noon. He goes 2-3 hours as far as sleeping. Has been an adjustment for me... our schedule has really changed, but this is where we stay until he goes to Kindergarten I hear.

He is running everywhere.

Loves climbing up into his chair in his room to read books.

He kept straddling his tow truck toy and the cat... decided it was time to buy him a truck he could ride. Loves the thing. Maybe I will get a picture for next month.

Gives real kisses. Mouth shut.

Wrestles with daddy... while I holler to make sure he stays sweet and snuggly.

That sums it up. We have an almost 1 1/2 year old. Yikes.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pensacola and 16 months old

October 20th: Hartz and I headed up to Pensacola for our planned weekend with Nana and Hogpaw. We drove starting in the evening and it ended up being a really great drive (6+ hours) due to the Hartz- man snoozing most of the way. Chris was in Kansas for work, so he ended up flying in Saturday morning and meeting us there. We had a super great time attending gallery night, a fall festival, and having dinner with Uncle Keith and cousin Sarah to end the weekend. 

Puzzle that makes sounds from Nana! 

Heading out to Gallery Night

Devouring a cake pop

Van Slyke Men

First Dog Sitting Job

Camo and Tractors

Fall Festival Duck Fishing?!


Hogpaw, Nana & Hartz

Love our Family!

Picking the Perfect Pumpkin

Our Pumpkin

Uncle Keith, Sarah & Hartz

While we were in Pensacola, Hartz turned the big 16 months. 16 Month Update:

New Words/Sounds/Signs: 
MAMA has made an appearance!
Trash- sounds more like "trah" 
Vroom with hand motion up for plane.. we hear planes ALL the time, so he gets lots of practice
The sign please has happened a couple times

Other Highlights:
FRONT MOLARS are in the house. He has 3 all the way through and the 4th is trying hard to break out. We have been doing motrin some and it really hasn't been too painful (for us or him). His 3rd front tooth is in as well. The total count is 10 teeth at 16 months! 

He has attained elite status on Southwest Airlines... he is allowed in the cockpit. jk.

The last couple times at church, there has been no crying when daddy drops him off.

He is able to follow some commands (putting things in trash, items back where they belong.. working on mowing the yard next :) )

He can spin.. he falls down quite often trying, but he tries hard. Guess hokie pokie should be taught soon.

That is all Chris and I can think of that is new.. we love our boy!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


We took off on another jet plane to Austin, to watch Robert and Marina get hitched. 
Here are the snapshots...enjoy!

Whoopie Cushion Training


Galaxy Cafe Rocked!

Hot Husband

Robert, the Groom, at Rehearsal Dinner

Sweet Ella

Hartz giving Ella a Cow Ride

"My horse is over yonder"

Ready for the Wedding!

Pre-Party in Backseat

Hartz and an awesome sky


Mineral Water Tasting

The Bride, Marina, gorgeous!


Van Slyke Boys
Hartz ruling the farm
Worn Out Babies

"Hello, Mr. Dinosaur"

Riding cows yesterday, today it is dinosaurs

Cool Lights

"Is he alive?!"

Austin Children's Museum Was Way Cool!