Friday, March 25, 2016


I recently took Francie for her 3 month well checkup and decided to look back at our blog. Man, the memories and all the things I didn't remember, but was so thankful I wrote down. So, I am back. :)

I had written a few drafts that I didn't publish because they didn't have pictures or weren't good enough. Well I am copying and pasting and putting them here.

MAY 2014
Oh, the blog guilt. That I am not keeping up with the memories and if I don't write them down they will be forgotten.. which is pretty much truth. (Thank God of phones with cameras)

Nola Jo is almost 22 months and is becoming a real person. She is currently in the midst of attempting potty training, even though today feels like a day we just throw the towel in... however since this is our 2nd kid I have learned that things always take time and constant readjustment. She is really good at telling me where she has her accident and is definitely aware of how things work. Staying positive.

She is SLEEPING like a champ. I can't believe I typed that. I weaned her at 19 months and daddy took over bedtime and the wake ups at night for a bit and it was actually way less painful than we feared. I am so thankful.

Nola's words:
"Eye" for eyes or ice cream
"Poo poo" for poo poo
"Wa wa" for anything wet or water

Hartz (almost 4 years old)

Loves "pildo" (pillow) piles

Nola turned 2 on July 29th. We spent the weekend before in Pensacola with Nana and Hogpaw and Uncle Keith to celebrate.

Her stats:
Ht: 35 inches (75th percentile)
Wt: 25 lbs (15th percentile)
She got the Varicella Vaccine and Hep B and didn't even cry with the pokes. Tough girl!

What she is up to....

We joined My Gym a few weeks ago and she LOVES it... really loves the big trampoline they have and will seriously jump the entire class if they let her.

She has been taking a nap around 11/11:30 when Hartz is at school and I have to wake her to put her in the van and she falls back asleep to pick up "bubba"... I am so thankful for her napping early because I get a little guilt free break mid-day.

She is silly. Like we read a book and she will say every picture is a "sock" just to be funny.

She loves to "draw"

Potty training is going... She can hold it like a champ and loves to wear "undies" so we went for it around 21 months and have been on and off since. But lately she has been in underwear more often and the pull up when I fear poop out and about :) She wakes up from the night dry often, but isn't a huge fan of going potty unless she really has to, which makes it tricky when I want some confidence that she won't have an accident leaving the house.

Loves having her fingers and toes painted. Hartz does too.

Sleeps with baby, blanket, minnie.

If she wants to not doing something she asks for "5, 6" which translates to 2 more minutes please

She is fearless. Climbs on things, pushes stools around to be able to reach things she shouldn't

Loves yogurt smoothies right when she wakes up.

Loves animals. Likes to pretend she is a kitty.

JUNE 2014
Man I need to get a boss to order me to blog. Makes me sad that the months fly by and I know I won't remember.

Moving on...

Hartz turned 4 on June 21st. We spent 2 nights out at Universal's Cabana Bay Beach Resort. The kids had so much fun and slept great, which means Chris and I had a blast as well. The Eastwood Family of 5 joined us for the morning of his official birthday.

What is going on with Hartz:

-Stats: Weight: 37 lbs Height: 41 3/4 inches BP: 102/63 Pulse: 98

-He is straight up silly. He loves to make silly faces, falls down on purpose, thinks up "jokes" ... for example this is his fav joke setup lately... "Why does the ______ knock on the door? (Why?) Because he put a _________ inside." *insert new things in blank daily (and we fake laugh so hard) He LOVES to get people to laugh

-He loves having friends over and having an activity everyday. He loves My Gym, open gyms, parks, splash pads, and really anything with a person his age involved.

-He is an amazing big brother to Nola and I feel like daily their conversations get cuter. Like, "hey baby. you are gonna go with mama and take a nap while I go with daddy to the party. ok?" and Nola responds with, "Tay"

-Hartz loves anything with transformers. He loves being one. He loves reading comic books about them. He loves making them out of legos and magnet shapes. On that note he is an AMAZING builder. I may really be biased but he figures out designs and shapes of things I couldn't.

-His nicknames: Bubba, Bud, Buddy, Bub, Hartzie

-We are working on him pulling the "shy"card with adults lately. Hard to always know what to let go and where politeness and manners come in. He has done great when I have prepped him before going in to make sure he says hi and is kind.

-He is losing his afternoon nap these days I think. But, I cherish the "rest" time we have after I put Nola down for a nap and we read books and "try" to nap. Occasionally I will doze off and I wake up with 2 handsome gray brown eyes staring at me. I don't want these days to pass so quickly. I want my boy to say "mommy please snuggle me all night"... meaning all of nap time... for a long time.

-He is using feelings words a lot. "Mom, that makes me upset" or "Mom, I so excited" or "That makes me scared" I love this because I feel like we have real conversations about stuff and I am knowing him better.

-He is going into VPK at Maitland Community Preschool where he was for the 3 year old class last year. He has Mrs. Derfuss and 6 total of his class last year are all together. I feel so thankful, especially because of the amazing moms that come with those kids.