Monday, November 25, 2013

15 month Nojo and almost 3 1/2 year old Hartzie

Nola Jo turned 15 months on October 29th, 2013. 
Her stats:
Weight: 20 lbs. 3 oz. 15th percentile
Height: 32" 95th percentile
Head: 18 1/4" 75th percentile

Playing with bubba at Dr Amber's
Latest Happenings:
-Front molars are coming in. Top right and left are poking through. Not fun.
-Signs the word "please"
-OBSESSED with the iPad. OBSESSED with hitting the home button ALL the time = mama hiding the device and Nola screaming. 
-Likes to sit and cover her legs with a blanket
-Gives kisses to people, books, toys, whatever she can find.. lets hope that doesn't continue into adolescence
-Got her first mani/pedi ... her brother was jealous and got his first one as well. "Red Spidey Nails" we called his. 

-Says "dada, mama, done, dat (that), bubba, yeah (with aggressive nod)"
-Moos like a cow, roars like a lion, growls like a dinosaur 
-Trimmed a little of her whispy hairs and was forced by daddy to leave the curly mullet
-Super smiley when out in public places usually...waves hi, but it is usually after the person has left sight. Your brother did that as well. 

Halloween 2013
Cutest robot in town

Robot transforms to Space Guy... Dance Party at Paige's house was a blast

Our Lady Bug


-Straight up silly... loves making people laugh. Tells "jokes" by saying something strange and yelling "joke" after it. 
-Just learned how to be rolled up in a blanket and turned into a burrito
-Loves racing, running, being chased, jumping off platforms (that aren't too high)
-Becoming way more brave on the playground... climbing and going down high slides with no fear!
-Loves watching you tube videos of strange people demonstrating how rescue bot toys work.. have a fear he is going to click on something bad news one day.
-Becoming interested in letters... trying to not push him. 
-Counts to 13 still no problem, then it gets all messy after that. 
-Still loves rescue bots, dinosaurs, dressing up like super heroes, legos, and super squad.
-Can play independently really well lately. 
-First person drawing "Charlie"

-Loves school... is making lots of new friends and wants to always be the line leader (at home as well) 
First School Picture
Mrs. Jakes Class/3 year olds/2013
So very thankful for these two kids.