Thursday, October 4, 2012

We have 2 kids.

We have settled into life with 2 kiddos. It has been easier in some ways than I thought and maybe a little tougher in others. Hartz has adjusted really well. He had Daddy and Nana with him for the first 4 weeks combined, so I think having the extra attention helped get through the toughest weeks for me as far as sleep deprivation and healing went. He calls Nola "baby" and doesn't pay too much attention to her unless he feels another sweet child might be threatening her or wants to see her. Typical territorial toddler behavior I guess. He does seem to ask where she is more often now and will give her a few tickles with some prompting. I'm excited to see them interact more as she becomes "more fun." 
I think the toughest part is figuring out the balance of taking care of kids, the husband, the house, dinner, relationships with friends like you used to be able to... it obviously has to change, so I'm slowly figuring out those changes and what our life looks like now. 
Nola (2 weeks) and Hartz (25 months)

'Seriously, dad, another picture"

The first of many sibling pictures

Nola (9 weeks) and Hartz (27 months)

Nola is now 9 weeks old. I so don't want to start calling her "2 months" because moving to months from weeks makes them way bigger in my mind. I hate how fast these first weeks fly and I wish I could freeze moments in my brain forever... except, I think I have lost my brain most of the time these days. :)
Nola started smiling purposefully around 4-5 weeks. It is the sweetest smile you have ever seen. She is cooing and chatting it up with her mobile (thanks Nana) and loves smiling at the letters above her changing table (thanks Auntie Christie). She has been sleeping pretty consistently about 8-9 hours (from 8pm- 4ish) through the night. I have not been so great with the schedule this time and I just pray she learns to be a flexible baby and just naturally sleeps through the night. ha. 

9 weeks
9 weeks and smiley

Stats from 2 weeks 4 days 
Weight 9 lbs 15.5 oz (95%)
Length 22 1/4 inches (97%)
Head 15 inches (75%)

Stats from her 2 month visit
Weight 12 lbs 4 oz (90%)
Length 24 1/4 inches (>95%)
Head 15 3/4 inches

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

10 years

I kept thinking about what to write in this post and all the things that come to mind seem to make me cry.. especially with post-pregnancy hormones on board. But, I think the one thing I keep thinking of these past days/weeks is the fact that I am so incredibly blessed to have a daughter. My mom got to have three of us girls and it seems that anything that was the same for her, makes me feel closer to her.

Mom, me, and Christie
It is incredibly hard to believe she has been gone for a whole 10 years... a whole decade. My whole 20's I haven't had her here. But, as I look into Nola's face I feel like I get to do something she did. I will get to experience a mother-daughter bond and I pray I am half as good at raising girls as she was.

I still miss her like crazy and wish she was here to snuggle my babies.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Nola Jo

Our sweet baby girl, Nola Jo, came into the world on Sunday morning, July 29th, at 7:24am. She weighed in at 8lbs 11oz and was 20 3/4 inches long. We are blown away by the blessing of her and so excited that God has given us the gift of getting to be her parents.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Hartz turns Two!

Our boy turned 2 on June 21st. He woke up to find a new tool bench in the living room. Then we had some yummy quiche with daddy before he went to work and spent the day with Auntie Amber, Charlie Belle, and baby June. It was a super fun day with bike rides, sprinkler pad fun, wagon rides, and a new scooter when daddy got home. 

Working hard on his new tool bench

Giving CB a ride

CB giving birthday massages

New Scooter!!

We had planned for a big birthday bash on Saturday, the 23rd. We had sharks, pool games, and lots of yummy food planned. Hartz woke up Friday morning with a stomach bug and I ended up with it that night. Needless to say, a party with friends didn't happen. We did have a family party Sunday evening, just the 3.. errr 4 of us. Nola enjoyed the cake too. 

Sick boy

New bball hoop 

Sweet Birthday Boy

2 candles!
 We celebrated a few days later too with Annabelle (born a day shy of Hartz's birthday, a year later.. ha) They share a love for bluebird cupcakes. Hartz was a gentlemen and shared some :)

Hartz and Annabelle

2 year update

29 lbs (30th percentile)
Height was 50th percentile (can't remember how tall... around 31 inches I think)
Head is 75th percentile (tons of brains)

Hartz seems to be becoming a little man before our very eyes. He is becoming more independent every day, which I am so thankful for as we approach his sister coming any time. He can go up and down the stairs like a normal person, even though my heart rate goes up a bit as he doesn't want mama's help anymore. He walks into stores with me, holding my hand. (Really HUGE)

He loves trucks, cars, planes, and above all the trash truck. He waves at the trash men as they come by and he doesn't get that they have to go to other houses besides ours. Can be traumatic.

He can pretend anything is a plane.. including both his pointer fingers.

He moved up to the 2 year old class in base camp and comes back after church with a craft he made. Sheesh a big boy.

He is addicted to baby food packets. I will need a weaning program one day.

Not showing any cues that he wants to use the big boy potty. Will work on it after we settle in with 2 kids and he shows some interest.

Loves splash parks and the pool. We did swim lessons in May that went ok. He loves the water, but not so much going under the water.

We spent a month at the gymboree gym (thanks amber and steve) which I felt like gave him a new confidence with climbing, going through tunnels, learning about monkey bars, and mini trampolines.

He likes to eat "daddy" sandwiches now. Meaning a real sandwich not cut into bite size pieces. Loves peaches, mangos, yogurt, turkey, pb & honey, and does try new things fairly well when he is hungry. Otherwise things are called "ick".. he
has his nightly smoothie made by daddy where everything under the sun is put into it, making us feel like responsible parents that feed our child very nutritious things.

Words/phrases include: No, Yes, Stuck, Wa Wa, Truck, Car, Plane, Green (that is usually his first guess when asked what color something is), Up, Down, What is this?, There it is!, Hulk, Captain, Help, Please, Thank You (is rare, but he CAN say it), Juice (refers to juice, the color orange, and sometimes just plain water), Dance, Mick = Mickey, Ick, licks his lips and says mmmm when he wants something to eat or yells snack, Shark, Dog, Bug, said dodger for Eric and Patricia's dog yesterday, and CAKE.

He is still an early riser.. around 6am and naps around 2 hours in the afternoon.

He will still be carrying his "blank"aka blanket with him when he is 15, I think.

We are so thankful for this boy. Can't wait to see what this next year holds.

Funny Face

Eating a Whole Peach!

Clothespin Airplane

Daddy Sandwich

Saturday, May 26, 2012

First Round of House Guests

Hartz has had several visitors this month. First the Puzeys came down to hit the parks. We did Animal Kingdom and Magic Kingdom on back to back days. The kids were pooped.

Grandpa Harlan and Mrs. Jean came soon after and we showed them a good time. We went to Animal Kingdom (can't get enough of that place) and saw some sharks at JOE'S CRAB SHACK! Best time ever!

Hartz is now almost two. It's been too long since we've blogged. He's doing tons more stuff. Talking up a storm, running everywhere, etc. He's got a ton of new words:
  • Truck - He loves spotting trucks when driving, but once we pass a truck and he can't see it anymore its "Moooore truuuuck"
  • Shark
  • Pease (Please)
  • Green (He's good at pointing out colors, if you ask him which one is blue, for example. But if you ask him what color something is, he'll most likely say "Green")
  • Dance (he routinely runs up to the stereo and demands dance time)
  • Dip (Ketchup)
  • Croc (Crocodile)
  • Shoes (This can mean either shoes or juice depending on the situation)
  • Keys (Neither one of us has any idea what this is supposed to mean. Pretty sure he doesn't want our keys. We asked him if he it meant "kiss" and he said no, but he says it a lot)
He has also started laughing after letting out a loud fart.


Thursday, March 1, 2012

a boy... oh wait a GIRL

I apologize for no pictures, but I would have to scan the ultrasound pictures that they printed and that seems way too much work at the moment... pretty much because we don't have a scanner, which usually would prevent me from blogging at all, but I am fighting it. A words only blog. So fun!

So, the Wednesday I was 16 weeks pregnant we decided to get a gender determination ultrasound at a pregnancy spa, that just so happened to be in the back of a salon. Yes, we had to walk by women getting their hair and nails done to a small room in the back. It was very clean and the lady was super nice, so I didn't feel the least bit nervous it was going to harm our growing baby. She started the ultrasound that was meant to be about 10 minutes long. "A crotch shot and bam you are done" kinda thing. But, our baby really liked his/her legs crossed and made it way difficult for the tech to determine the sex. Over 30 minutes later, Chris thought he saw a penis and the tech at the end felt like she got a couple glimpses of a "floating penis"... I was pretty ok with that, even though I told her a couple times "it is totally ok if you can't tell.. I just want you to be sure".. she seemed pretty sure. So, I giggled all the way home, day dreaming about being the mom of stinky boys and having brothers that would surely love each other the rest of their lives.

I figured life would be way easy having another boy. Same nursery. Same paint color in our new house. No new clothes. I feel super comfortable with boys, etc.

Then we had our 18-20 week ultrasound scheduled for a Monday morning. I was 18 weeks since I had a midwife appointment the following week and needed the results for her. This ultrasound checks all the anatomy and makes sure there is a heart and brain, etc. We found out when we got there that they no longer allowed toddlers in the room, so Chris and Hartz had to wait in the lobby. (Don't worry I filled out a survey explaining how they should let people know that kinda stuff when they schedule appointments, especially because he was allowed back at my 8 week ultrasound) The same tech I had for my very first ultrasound walked me back and I was just chatting and said that we found out it was a boy a couple weeks ago. She just smiled and said we will confirm it, no biggie. So, the ultrasound starts and she is kinda quiet (more quiet than the first time) but we talk about the heart, brain and kidneys. Once she is done, she asked me "now who told you it was a boy?" ... It was definitely asked in a tone of voice possibly scared of my reaction.. and I just started laughing and said, "it isn't a boy, is it?" and she started laughing and said "I have seen a girl this whole time".... she wanted to get another tech into confirm that it really is a she since we were told boy and the stinkin girl closes her legs, puts her hand in the way, and there is a big ole cord preventing them from seeing. I joked about her being modest and they made me pee and go get Chris to see if she would move. I wasn't going to tell Chris until we got back but I was smirking so big he knew something was up... I said something like "it isn't a boy" while laughing uncontrollably and he was like "what?!" We got back in the room and she finally gave us a shot where both techs confirmed girl. They did mention it was a tough gender determination, so I definitely feel like I need reconfirmation. But, holy cow could we really be entering the foreign land of girls?? Girl clothes?? Tights attached to shorts?? Bows in the hair?? 18 different pairs of shoes for different occasions?? I think I need a training class or something.

On a serious note.  Chris and I feel so incredibly blessed to just be able to have another baby. We will be so thrilled whether a boy or a girl comes out. :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

18 months, 19 months, pregnancy, house...

So, I have totally slacked blogging and I have lots of excuses. One major one is being exhausted. I can't remember being as tired when I was pregnant with Hartz, but I was working every day pretending I wasn't pregnant and shoving down snacks and afternoon cokes daily. Now, when I put Hartz down for a nap, I feel like I could stand with my eyes shut and be out till bedtime. ha. So, simply put blogging has not been so much of a priority. Otherwise, I feel really great and we are thrilled to be blessed with another sweet baby at the end of July. 

13 weeks

Our boy is 1 1/2 years old plus 1 month.

18 month doctor visit update
24 lbs 2 oz (25th percentile)
33 inches (60th percentile)
head is 75th percentile

He got a couple shots and we won't head back to dr amber until he is 2!! seems so crazy that we won't go to the doctor but once a year from then on.

New words:
Batman (with dancing following to "na-na-na-na-na, BATMAN")
Bear (with a drawn out rrrr at the end.. sounds more like BURRR)

He signs please all the time. We are getting the sign sometimes before the whine for something... progress.

He is napping 2-3 hours and it is glorious. He is waking up in the morning way too early, but I keep hoping it is the last 8 teeth coming in... ok, I am not quite sure how many teeth are coming in, but he refuses to let me look in there and I learned you DO NOT stick your finger in a toddlers mouth. hurts bad. He gnaws on his hand at night especially, so something seems to be going on.

He loves bath time.. we call it "swimming" .. he lays on his belly and kicks and kicks and kicks... with giggling and looking at me after every time. Do we really have to pay for swim lessons?!

He loves being outside and kicking and throwing balls.

He gives kisses randomly and will sometimes snuggle if you ask him. I LOVE THIS. SO MUCH.

We did move his car seat forward facing and car rides are way more enjoyable. Do you know how easy it is to just hand goldfish to a kid facing you in the backseat, than chucking them over a carseat and praying he finds them so he will stop fussing?!

He is imitating us way more too. He likes to use tupperware and wooden dishes to "cook" up some meals for us.

Chris let a few of us ladies go away for a night and took Hartz to Epcot. Best Daddy Ever.

Epcot Trip with Daddy

Nemo Exhibit at Epcot

On another front, we think we have purchased a new home. We are closing Feb 17th, so I guess nothing is for sure until you leave closing with the keys in your hand, right?! We are way excited to have space and be on a street that Hartz will ride his bike on one day. It is definitely bittersweet to be leaving our first home. 

I of course didn't take a picture of the front of the house on inspection day, so you just get a back side peek. 

This was a blog that should have been about 8 separate ones. I apologize. But, I do now feel caught up. Whew.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Holidays: Part 3

We spent Christmas in Pensacola with Chris' parents. We began the trip with announcing baby #2 is coming in July via a card. (See photos) Hartz had another very serious year with Santa again. 

Then we hit up the restaurant/bar where Hogpaw plays guitar and sings every Thursday night. Hartz danced the night away... this boy has some moves. We call this one the "Crouching Tiger"

The next night consisted of lights at the zoo. It was super cold and very strange being at the zoo at night. Seemed like the animals were going to sneak out and take over. 

Christmas morning brought electric trains that threw out sparks, life size tee-pees, a hand crafted rocking chair, and a way yummy breakfast by Nana. We had a wonderful time.