Thursday, January 31, 2013

Too fast

Lately, I feel like my kids are growing way too fast. Everyday I think about how I want to make sure I write something down so I don't forget, or video that funny thing Hartz said, or backup the 2000+ photos I have on my phone and I find myself snoring around 9pm... hoping my brain kept track somehow. But, we all know that my brain is not so capable of that, so I am going to attempt to just write everything down here. Now.

Hartz (2 1/2 years old)

 "Licious" while flossing his teeth with minty floss.
"Blessa Me" after sneezing... "Excusa me" after burping
"Me try" when he wants a turn (sometimes nicely and sometimes not so nicely)
"Baby or "Nona" for Nola
"Catch" aka chase is still his fave activity
"Roooaarrs" like a dinosaur

He loves to go to the park to see "kids".. I so pray that he doesn't remember the kids that ignore his attempts to play and act like he is not cool at 2.

He asks multiple times at night/nap for "one mo' kiss" and it ends up being about 5 "mo" kisses

He has started missing people. "I missa hogpaw" while looking down with a pout on his face. (not sure why he adds an "a" to lots of words, but he does)

He is a pro at making Nola giggle... whether he bounces her (gently) in the exersaucer or runs up to her scaring her gently.

If I ask if he is ok.. he usually responds with "K, mama"

He snuggles so sweetly in the mornings in bed while we watch a "show"... Usually snuggles up to me while I am holding Nola and says "my two babies"... Because I always hold them both and say that.

He likes to help make his eggs for breakfast by using a spoon to stir... I have caught him twice sticking his finger in the raw mixture for a taste. yuck.

Time out is still super effective in fixing behaviors... please let it continue.

He is ADDICTED to "pakeets" still. Please help.

I love how he asks a lot for permission to do different things. I don't know where it came from except from the Lord or maybe it is his father's genes. I LOVE IT. Definitely a compliant kid for the most part.

He gets quite emotional when toys break apart or a sweet child takes a toy... full on tears like the world is ending.

He loves to pretend. He asks me to sleep (my FAVORITE game), while he gathers blankets and pillows. He stretches his arms up and yawns to indicate its time to lay down and then proceeds to lay for 2 seconds and then say "awake!" Working on stretching the 2 seconds to a good 15 min nap for mama ;)
Pretend animals are a hit too. Dinosaurs (very loud roaring happens) and a doggie are the top two right now.

Nola (6 months)

Weight: 16 lbs 1 oz (55th percentile)
Height:  27 1/4 inch (93rd percentile)
Head: 17 1/4 inch (85th percentile)

Sweetest smile ever.
Blows raspberries.
Scooches backwards (ahhhh. Hartz didn't crawl or scooch until closer to 10 months... this girl is gonna be on the move early).
Sits up.
Loves to bounce in the exersaucer.
Talks real loud and real often (total girl, right?!)

Ended up doing hard core sleep training right around 5 1/2 months. It has helped so much and my girl is finally giving us rest. She naps usually 3 times a day. Two of the naps seem to be at the 1 1/2 hour mark and one is shorter...45 min. Nights have been 7pm-5am (quick feed) and back to sleep until 7am. I know the 4 month sleep regression exists. We almost died due to it.

Started eating food! We are doing a mixture of Baby Led Weaning and purees. (It really means that I am lazy and will just feed her what is available) We started with bananas... have done some pears, carrots, and green beans so far. She is getting the hang of it.

She is just plain sweet.