Wednesday, September 21, 2011

15 months

Hartz is 15 months. 1 year and 1/4.  Chris told me the other night that, "Hartz gets more fun everyday"... I think that pretty much sums it up.

                                          Catching rain drops with daddy

Latest words:
uh oh
na na .. I think still is mama or if he wants something (guess that really means the same in a babies' brain)
da da (all the time)
brooo (mooo for a cow)
panting noise used to just be for a dog, but has moved over to describe lots of animals. He also uses it when I tell him something is hot...



Blows kisses
WALKS like a pro
Opens cabinets and closes them (tupperwear cabinet is his new hang out)
Dances with both arms out and moves them like he is patting the floor instead of raising the roof
Loves to stand behind you if you are sitting on the floor and giggle when you turn to see if he is there
Likes being chased... usually crashes or falls, so mama is not such a big fan
Uses a fork and spoon pretty dang well
HUGS the cat, girls, boys, anyone. (definition of hug: laying head on someone/something)
Waves hi and bye
Loves putting things inside other things
Does "shoo fly" with his hand and laughs
Twirls his hand in a circle at the fan
Turns his sounds machine off and on all day long

Has become a huge fan of glasses

       AND hugging the cat..... 

SMOOTHIES (daddy takes care of making these, since they usually include banana)
Oatmeal with yogurt and cinnamon
PB & Honey still a usual go to
Sweet Potatoes
Zucchini Cakes were a hit
Still pretty good at trying new things even though it might take him 20 min to build up the courage to taste it. I have moments of impatience with him and food, but realize from a wise friend that he is learning so much by exploring food. So, we are definitely in an exploration, hour long mealtime phase.

                      Super Talented ... can use a fork and spoon at the same time

Still 2 naps a day (9am and 2pm)
Bed by 8pm and we are working on sleeping till 7am again. Right now he wakes up between 5:30 and 6am. Working on him learning that he gets to stay and rest in his crib until 7am.. he doesn't quite get it yet.

This pretty much sums up how Uncle Robert's 40th birthday party started and ended

Hartz, you are becoming little Mr. Independent and I truly believe this is my favorite stage. (Don't worry I will think the same thing next month). You are more than anything we could have dreamt up and I am so thankful for the gift God gave us in you 15 months ago. I feel like I blink these days and you grow... I am sure I will feel that way when you are 16 and talking about some girl. ahhhh! I need to stop. We love you.

1 comment:

  1. these pics are precious! such a great idea to keep track of all this! and don't worry, I'm pretty sure robert cried about turning 40. he can emphasize with hartz.
